7th February, 2025
A fostering tale for National Storytelling Week…
Once upon a time lived a woman named Jessica, who lived in a lovely little three-bedroom house right at the end of a cul-de-sac. Her husband was a science teacher at their local school, while she worked part time at a nearby hairdresser so that she could always be there to pick up and drop off their five-year-old son, Tommy. Jessica grew strawberries in her back garden, loved walks with her pet dog and chasing her little boy around. They always spent their summers at the beach. Life was perfect.
But something was missing.
Jessica loved Tommy with all her heart, but she had more love to give. She heard stories on the news about children who had been through terrible ordeals and felt like she could do more.
“These children deserve love,” she thought to herself. But something always held her back from picking up the phone. How would it effect Tommy? Would she have to give up her beloved dog, Milo? Would it mean no more trips to the beach?
She pondered and pondered, wondering what the right thing to do was.
Then, one glorious summer day, while she was busy planning their annual trip to Dorset her husband returned from work in a foul mood, bringing in the storm clouds with him. After some persuading, he finally confessed. There was a boy in his class who he’d noticed coming in with bruises on his skin. The boy had been able to conceal them easy enough during the winter months, but the warmer weather had made them increasingly difficult to hide. Authorities had been called, but her husband remained frustrated that he couldn’t do more. He told her with the long summer holidays coming up, he feared what would happen to the boy.
Jessica took this as the sign she had been waiting for. That night, after Tommy had his bath and was soundly asleep, she sat her husband down and gave a confession of her own. She too wanted to do more for children who had experienced hardship. They talked long into the night.
Summer came and went. While Tommy had played in the sand, Jessica imagined another child playing by his side, a child who’d never seen the sea before. Jessica had been researching every free moment she had, there was adoption, but something kept drawing her back to fostering. She could help more children that way, older children. Something stirred deep inside of her every time she looked at Tommy. They weren’t perfect, but she knew her son had a good life. There was always food in their cupboards, she greeted him from school every day with a smile, and he slept in a clean, warm bed every night.
By the time September came, as she was seeing Tommy off into his first day of year one, her lingering concern was for Tommy if they decided to foster. When her and her husband had discussed the subject with Tommy, he was elated about having someone at home to play with. But she knew it was more complicated than that, Tommy couldn’t understand what these children have been through, couldn’t anticipate not having all of her attention, she couldn’t predict how they would react to him.
Then, she came across a fostering organisation called Excel Fostering, and a story on their website that spoke about the fostering family. The more she read, the more it resonated in Jessica’s mind. The lady had the same motivations as she did, she wanted to open her heart and her family. In the story, she had her own young children and actually spoke about the positive effect it had on them, how it had made them more empathetic, caring individuals. Jessica’s heart soared. She loved how many lives the woman like her had touched.
That night, she spoke to her husband. They’d had many conversations over the last few months, she’d spent hours researching. But tonight, her husband said two words which would change their lives forever. “Call them.”
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